Flatfish Books



I am a Benicia, California based writer. What do I write about? That’s easy: family, trips – short and extended – and quite a bit about my beloved cat Calvin and his antics. He is often featured in my blog, and I do hope to make these short anecdotes into a book as well.

I like to observe ordinary daily occurrences and turn them into fun reads. My sense of humor has often been referred to as “unique”. One hopes that this may be taken in a positive sense.

Mucking about occasionally with a camera phone I also take pictures of food or food related items for my book blog. Why yes, I do love to cook and eat.

Born in Köln, Germany I moved back and forth between Germany and the United States several times, living in Philadelphia, Frankfurt, on the Monterey Peninsula, and all over the San Francisco Bay Area.

I received my B.F.A. in Photography from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1980.

Matthias Leue